Check minimum requirements before you start
Note: If you are using a multi-network setup (virtual multiple IPs or multiple network cards) for Windows, please contact us for further configurations.
Steps included in this article
1. Check Windows user name
2. Enable auto login
3. Disable auto updates
4. Set display scale level to %100
Actions before setup:
1. Check windows username
Windows user name must contain English alphabetical characters only, without any space. Inappropriate user name may result in problems with app update, timer, etc.
A bad example would be "medıa & İnternatıonal" (lower case ı and upper case İ, space between characters, non-alphabetical characters).
A good example would be "averygoodusername".
2. Enable auto login
Enter the command above in the Run dialog box via WIN+R and click the OK button.
Uncheck the box next to Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer from the Users tab.
Select OK at the bottom of the window.
When the Automatically sign in box appears, enter the username you wish to use for your automatic login, followed by the password in the next two boxes.
Select OK to save and close the open windows.
Restart your computer and make sure that Windows automatically logs you in. You may catch a glimpse of the sign-in screen, but only long enough to see it log you in without you having to type anything!
3. Disable auto updates
Note: Please make sure that your windows is up to date before disabling auto updates.
In the Services window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn off the Service.
To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select Disabled.
You need to also disable the Windows Update Medic Service or WaaSMedicSVC.
4. Set display scale level to %100
Warning: If scale is different than %100, it may affect dynamic contents.
Open Start, select Settings > System > Display. Under Scale and layout, check the setting under Change the size of text, apps, and other items.
Continue with below articles to fully complete the setup process:
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