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Remote Installation on LG WebOS with Beanstaller
Remote Installation on LG WebOS with Beanstaller
Omma Sign avatar
Written by Omma Sign
Updated over a week ago

Beanstaller is a handy deployment tool that helps not only developers but the installation department at the webOS Signage SI partner. It allows you to install an app remotely on multiple signage devices that the user selects quickly and easily. You can also configure the SI server setting of the signage device remotely via the local network.

As an installer of webOS Signage devices, it is crucial that the deployment and installation should be done as efficiently as possible. Beanstaller installs apps quickly to multiple webOS Signage devices at the same time and reduces the work that a developer has to do repeatedly.

Beanstaller is used when you first install apps on each factory-

initialized signage device.

"Easy Deployment Over LAN. Beanstaller Makes It Possible."

How does Beanstaller work?

Signage devices must be accessible remotely from the computer within the local network so that you can access more than one Signage device at a time using Beanstaller.

Be aware that it is possible for someone with malicious intent to access the webOS Signage devices and pose a significant threat by taking advantage of Beanstaller’s features. To prevent this threat, you can deploy apps only to devices that don't have any apps installed.

Beanstaller Installation

Beanstaller version compatibility

Which version of Beanstaller do I need? The following table shows the version compatibility between webOS Signage and Beanstaller.

* Available firmware versions: 04.03.40 and later

** Available firmware versions: 03.15.40 and later

Beanstaller Version

webOS Signage Version

Beanstaller v1.0

webOS Signage 4.0* and 4.1

Beanstaller v2.0

webOS Signage 4.1** and later

Download Beanstaller

Beanstaller v2.0

Linux 64-bit

macOS 64-bit

Windows 64-bit

Beanstaller v1.0

Linux 64-bit

macOS 64-bit

Windows 64-bit

Beanstaller v2.0


  • Make sure the signage and the PC that Beanstaller is running on are in the same local network IP range. For example, PC is and signage monitors are ~ 255. The maximum number of monitors that can be connected is 253. (256 - 3 (PC, access point, one reserved))

  • The signage monitor needs to be a factory reset status showing 'Ready To Use'.

  • The signage monitors have DPM (display power management) and the time set is 10 minutes which means after more than 10 minutes the monitor turns off and goes into DPM status and cannot be found by the Beanstaller.

How to Use Beanstaller

Note: Beanstaller is a tool that distributes an app for initial installation, so we assume the signage device is factory reset, and you can see the following “READY TO USE” screen on the device.

If you already install the app on the device, see Reconfiguring device first. Otherwise, if you only complete the READY TO USE step and don't install an app yet, do a factory reset for settings again. Besides, you can also back up your settings through the

Ez Setting > Setting Data > Cloning menu.

The READY TO USE step appears in out of the box or after the device's factory reset. This step lets you set initials with four ways –

Quick Start, Go to Settings, Setting Data ,Cloning, and Enterprise Settings.

Setting up PC IP and IP Scan Type

After the agreement, you can see the Settings menu to select the Local IP and IP Scan Type.

  1. Select Local IP, the IP of the PC that runs Beanstaller.

  2. Select IP Scan Type. If you select ‘Broadcastig in the same network’, the local network of the IP address selected from the Local IP list will be used for Beanstaller, and only signage devices on the same local network will interact. If you select 'IP range set manually', you can designate the IP range of the C class network that Beanstaller will search and interact.

  3. Press the START button.


  • Whether or not the signage monitor of the specified IP address range by selecting ‘IP range set manually’ can be connected depends on your network environment.

  • Close and restart Beanstaller if you want to change the IP address of the target webOS signage monitors you want to connect with Beanstaller after clicking the start button.

Checking device connection

Beanstaller lists signage devices in the Devices table above. You can check each value and select the signage device for deploying your app.


You can only select devices with a Status value of “Available” or a Force Mode value of “On”. For more information about Force Mode, see Reconfiguring device.

Installing OMMA application

Beanstaller supports installing your app with additional settings in the INSTALL APPLICATION tab.

1- Enter the SI Server Setting field information in the input boxes.

  1. Select the signage device you want to deploy the app on from the Devices table.

  2. Press the INSTALL button.

For watching how to video ;
Beanstaller Omma Installation

After installing the OMMA application, you need to turn the device off and back on. When the device restarts, the Omma application will automatically launch. A 6-digit code will appear on the screen.

The next step will be register the device to the OMMA panel.

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